Toddlers (16 months up to 33 months of age):
As infants enter the toddler years, they become more independent and able to do things for themselves. They
are rapidly developing expressive language and becoming better able to relay their likes and dislikes. The gap
between what the child wants to do and is capable of doing sometimes leads to frustrations for the child, which is
common during these years. Our staff are trained on helping toddlers through this transition time, aiding their development while tending to their needs in a nurturing way.
Our main goal is to see your child happy while reaching his or her full potential in a safe and healthy environment. We implement weekly lesson plans that touch on age-appropriate areas to stimulate the physical, language/communication, cognitive, and social/emotional developmental needs of your child. We also incorporate sign language, story time, and self-help skills in our daily schedule.
In our Toddler Room, children are learning to:
Self-feed using utensils at meal times
Sleep on a cot
Build expressive vocabulary
Develop fine motor skills
Manipulate and gain an understanding of books
Explore the environment in a safe and positive way
Engage in sensory activities
Refine gross motor skills – balance/coordination
Express independence/autonomy
Enter the beginning stages of cooperative play
Gain an understanding of basic scientific/mathematics concepts: cause/effect, opposites, colors, shapes
Label emotions and partake in conflict resolution
Meal Times
A weekly menu is always posted.
Children are given utensils to self-feed.
The Teachers sit at the table with the children to teach them how to use utensils, engage in conversation, and stay seated at the table while eating.
While we put bibs on the children, please keep in mind that mealtimes get messy at this age. Please send your child in clothes that you are okay with getting food and sensory materials on, and also send extra clothes to be used as needed.
Nap Times
Toddlers have their nap time after lunchtime.
Children have individual, age appropriate cots with blankets. You are welcome to provide a blanket from home, otherwise we will provide one for them.
Toddlers are busy tackling new gross motor skills and kept busy during their morning in the classroom, so they are more than ready for an afternoon nap.
Here are a few things you can do at home with your child to keep consistency between home and the
Toddler Room:
Offer your child a sippy cup to drink from and utensils to learn how to use at meals.
Cut your child’s food into larger pieces.
Help your child wash their hands.
Make an effort to limit your child to napping only once a day around 12:00 (noon).
Begin to limit the use of a pacifier to nap times only, if at all.
Dress your child in closed-toe shoes.
Some of the daily basics in our Toddler Room:
- Circle Time Activities - Musical Instruments
- Finger Plays - Block/Construction Area
- Story Time - Mirrors
- Songs - Sensory Table
- Outdoor Time/Gym Time - Play Dough
- Nursery Rhymes - Push/Pull Toys
- Dancing to Music - Riding Toys
- Dramatic Play Area - Puzzles
- Shape Sorting Toys - Climbers
- Art activities - Busy Boxes
- Science activities - Being Read To
- Mini-Lessons on the topic of the week or other skills
- A variety of Sensory Toys (touch, hearing, visual, smelling)
- Sensory experiences (such as playing with Jello, leaves, water, etc.)
- Lots and Lots of TLC